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Conference Program

Detailed conference program in pdf form.

The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor (map of Maribor with Faculty marked, by using mouse scroll weel you can zoom in and out). 

The main entrance to the conference place will be from Koroska cesta (korner of Koroska cesta and Prezihova ulica), on the entrances to faculty from Smetanova ulica, there will be guide tables to the conference place.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Opening ceremony.
Presentation of industry R&D achievements.
Keynote talk 1: Digital video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding
Prof. Dr. K. R. Rao, IEEE Fellow, University of Texas Arlington, USA.
Keynote talk 2: Error Resilient Transmission of Video over Mobile Networks
Prof. Dr. M. Rupp, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
Launch break:
Common lunch.
Regular sessions with scientific papers.
Round table: Collaboration in future European projects (science and industry) and trends in digitalization of telecommunications.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Keynote talk 3:Three-Dimensional Television (3-D TV)
Prof. Dr. L. Onural, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
Keynote talk 4: Robust Recognition - by Parts Using Transduction and Boossting with Application to Biometrics
Prof. Dr. Harry Wechsler, George Mason University, USA.
Regular sessions with scientific papers.
Lunch break:
Common lunch.
Regular sessions with scientific papers.
IEEE Education Section meeting.
Social event: Short trip in the authentic surrounding with gala dinner. We will have a guided tour trough Zicka Kartuzija Monastery and after that a dinner in lodging house Smogavc in small village Gorenje pri Zrečah.


Friday, June 29, 2007

Regular sessions with scientific papers.
Tutorial talks.
Lunch break:
Common lunch.
Regular sessions with scientific papers.
Tutorial talks.


Saturday, 30. junij 2007

Regular sessions with scientific papers.
Presentation of R&D achievements of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Official closing of the conference scientific program and best student paper announcement.
Lunch break:
Common lunch
Meeting of the conference international program committee.
Social event: Guided town Maribor tour and visiting of the Festival Lent 2007