Maribor main bus station map and train station map.
You can find basic informations about roads, traffic and toll prices on Automobile Associations of Slovenia web pages. Maribor city map is available.
Ryanair offers flight from London to Maribor, starting on June 7. Look at the Ryanair web page for booking.
You can arrive to Maribor by
plane using three nearest airports:
Croatia and
To arrange travel from airport Brnik to Maribor, please contact
ONExpres Shuttle Service on email
or by phone on phonenumber +386 41 470474.
Other posibilities are taxi or bus to
Ljubljana and than take a train to Maribor.
You can also rent a car.
You can find timetables and prices on Slovenian Railway web pages.
Some links to useful informations about Slovenia and Maribor:
Visa Requierements
Citizens of some countries need an entry visa for the
Republic of Slovenia.
Current visa regulations are listed
If you need a
visa, make sure
to apply for one well in advance.
this list of embassies and consular offices to find
a Slovenian diplomatic mission nearest to you.