Call for Papers
The 28th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2021 will be held in Bratislava, the capital of the Slovak Republic, from June 2 to June 4, 2021 and hosted by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
The program includes keynote and special lectures presented by eminent experts in the field, peer reviewed papers and invited sessions about but no limited to the following topics:
Signal Processing
- Signal estimation and detection
- Signal enhancement
- Feature extraction
- Filtering
- Transformations
Image and Video Processing
- Coding
- Enhancement
- Scene analysis
- Object localization & recognition
- Texture detection & extraction
- Medical image processing
Speech and Audio Processing
- Coding
- Enhancement
- Speech recognition
- Speaker identification and verification
- Speech synthesis
- Multimedia content processing and content description
- Multimedia signal processing
- Multimedia communications, networking, services and applications
- Multimedia systems and services
Human Machine Interface
- Speech processing for HMI
- 2D and 3D Face recognition
- Gesture navigation
- Brain control interface
Machine Learning
- Neural networks
- Support Vector machines
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Classification theory & methods
- Data mining
- Watermarking and encryption
- Information and network security
- Security protocols and services
- Multicast & broadcast for IPTV, DVB and IPTV technologies
- IMS based NGN architecture, services and protocols
- Content delivery networks
- Software defined networks
- Network functions virtualization
Wireless Communications
- MIMO and multi-antenna communications
- Cooperative transmission and reception
- Next generation mobile networks
- Broadband wireless networks
- Wireless sensor network systems
- Cognitive radio
Modern ICT in e-learning
- Online and virtual labs
- Effective teaching and learning
- Immersive technologies and online applications for effective learning
Download Call for Papers
Important Deadlines
Full Paper | April 10, 2021 (final extended)
Notification of Acceptance | May 15, 2021
Camera Ready | May 22, 2021
Early Registration | April 15, 2021 – May 17, 2021
Registration Deadline | May 24, 2021
Conference Days | June 2-4, 2021
Submission and Publication
We are happy to announce that the Proceedings of the conference will be published with Springer publishing house. We have agreed with Springer that the Proceedings will be published post-conference.
Download Paper Templates
Paper Submission
The following types of submissions are invited:
- Full papers (12 pages, CCIS format, preferred) reporting completed research
- Short papers (6 pages, CCIS format) presenting ongoing or preliminary research
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (maximum 12 pages including figures and references) and short papers (maximum 6 pages including figures and references) of novel research material. Submitted papers should be within the scope of the IWSSIP 2021 conference. All contributions must be of high quality, original, should not have been published elsewhere and should not be submitted for publication elsewhere during the review period or time of the conference.
Papers must be submitted electronically by February 21, 2021 April 10, 2021 (final extended). Each paper will be blind reviewed by three independent reviewers and evaluated with special attention to its originality, significance and clarity. Submitted papers must follow the LNCS proceedings formatting style and guidelines. Authors of accepted submissions will be asked to register to the Conference and present their work in the form of oral presentation.

For the preparation of the camera-ready papers/files, authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their final papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper (see also below). Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.
Presentation with Underline
We have teamed up with Underline for the second year to provide participants with superb experience at IWSSIP 2021 conference.
In order to ensure smooth presentation of all accepted papers, we ask sccessful authors to prepare a pre-recorded presentation following and closely adhering to guidelines provided by undeline.
Should the authors have any questions the undeline support is there to assist them in any way they can.

The language of publication is exclusively English. Authors publishing in CCIS have to sign the Springer CCIS copyright transfer form, however, they are free to use their material published in CCIS for substantially changed, more elaborate subsequent publications elsewhere.
The conference proceedings will be published in CCIS by Springer-Verlag in Springer’s CCIS (Communications in Computer and Information Science) Book Series. When formatting papers, authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word. Please note that papers are required in PDF format for review purposes.
Please be advised that the conference proceedings by Springer will be available post-conference.

Has your paper been accepted for presentation at the conference? Make sure you register for attendance at the conference. Only the presented papers are eligible for publication in the conference proceeding. Follow the registration process described in Registration section.