IWSSIP 2001></td>
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June 7 - 9, 2001 - Bucharest, Romania

Call for PapersPaper SubmissionWorkshop Deadlines
Workshop TopicsRegistrationProgram
Tutorials CallTutorialsSocial Program
Workshop OfficialsOrganiserssocial program
Workshop Site

Tutorials Call

The program committee invites proposals for the tutorial program, to be held on June 7, 2001. Tutorials will be offered on various aspects of Signals and Image Processing research related to the main workshop themes. Tutorials are intended to provide an up-to-day overview of the topics. Anyone interested in presenting a tutorial should submit a proposal to the IWSSIP 2001 Tutorial Chair, Prof. Adina Florea.

A tutorial proposal should contain the following information:

  • A brief description of the tutorial, suitable for inclusion in the workshop registration brochure
  • A detailed outline of the tutorial.
  • A clear statement of the necessary background and the potential target audience for the tutorial. A description of why the tutorial topic is of interest to a substantial part of the IWSSIP 2001 audience.
  • A brief resume of the presenter(s), which should include:
    • name
    • postal address
    • phone and fax numbers
    • email address
    • background in the tutorial area (e.g., teaching experience, brief CV).

Proposals for tutorials must be received by e-mail at iwssip2001@dsp.pub.ro no later than March 10, 2001 as plain text, doc, pdf, or ps files, and will be confirmed by March 31, 2001. Tutors will be sent a set of details guidelines for the preparation of course support. Complete course materials must be received for multiplication no later than April 20, 2001


  • The tutors will be offered free registration to IWSSIP 2001.
  • Tutorials participants are required to register for IWSSIP 2001 and pay an additional tax for tutorial registration.
  • Tutorials can start a day in advance to the main conference.

Please send proposals and any questions to:
Prof. Adina Magda Florea

Important dates for tutorial organisers:

March 10, 2001  Submission Deadline for Tutorial Proposals
April 5, 2001  Notification of acceptance of Tutorial Proposals
April 20, 2001    Submission of camera-ready curse suppor
April 2 – June 1, 2001 Registration of tutorials attendees

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