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June 7 - 9, 2001 - Bucharest, Romania

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Special session on "The role of wavelets in modern multimedia standards"

Chair: Peter Schelkens
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - IMEC
IRIS Research Group - Wavelet Applications and Multimedia Technologies
Department of Electronics & Information Processing (ETRO)

The session aims at giving a critical insight in the current and (possible) future exploitation of wavelet technology by standardisation bodies. The session is organised in close collaboration with the Flemish FWO Image Processing Systems (IPS) Research Community and the AWI Bilateral Technological & Scientific Collaboration Programme.

Currently, the contributions to this session are:

  • Wavelets and Standards: An Overview, Peter Schelkens (VUB/IMEC)
  • Implementing Efficiently a Wavelet Transform : A Roadmap, Yiannis Andreopoulos (VUB/University of Patras)
  • MPEG-4 Visual Texture Coding : Variform, yet Temperately Complex, Gauthier Lafruit (IMEC)
  • Implementation of a Scalable Wavelet MPEG-4 Compression System, Adrian Chirila-Rus (IMEC/PUB)

Further contributions to enrich the session are welcome. Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts electronically as doc, pdf or ps files at the address: Peter.Schelkens@vub.ac.be (or iwssip2001@dsp.pub.ro).

In the body of the e-mail, please specify the following data: (1) paper title, (2) author(s) name, affiliation, and e-mail, (3) topic domain or key words, (4) contact author’s name, address, phone, fax, and e-mail.

Please follow the instructions in the for paper submission.

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