Dr. Dana Seyringer
“Quantum Explorer” is an Austrian educational follow-up project with a focus on introducing optics and photonics in primary and secondary schools. The main goal of the project is the development of Quantum Explorer educational kit and its application in the physics lessons at secondary schools. A second part of the project is the use of already existing educational kit “Photonics Explorer”. To easily implement the Quantum Explorer and the Photonics Explorer into the curricula, we organize training seminars for teachers to get familiar with the kits and with the experiments. In addition, we have prepared the common lectures for teachers and children directly in the classrooms. The first results of the project are presented here.
This work was carried out in the framework of the project QUANTUM EXPLORER (No. 48185735) funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) for engaging young talents with STEAM.

Dana Seyringer received her first Ph.D. in microelectronics at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in 1996 and her second Ph.D. at the JK University in Linz, Austria, in 1998. In 2000 she joined the Austrian-based optical chip-design company Photeon Technologies where she focused on the design of AWG based DWDM and CWDM multiplexer/demultiplexers along with other passive optical components. In 2008, she joined the Research Centre for Microtechnology at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences in Dornbirn. She is internationally known for her work on simulation methods and is the author of numerous papers in the field of passive optical components for telecommunications and medical applications.