Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Abed-Meraim, Karim |
SaA1.5 |
480 |
From Binaural to Multimicrophone Blind Source Separation Using Fixed Beamforming with HRTFs |
Aboalsamh, Hatim |
BIP.2 |
417 |
Gender Recognition From Face Images with Local WLD Descriptor |
BIP.3 |
421 |
Race Recognition From Face Images Using Weber Local Descriptor |
Abreu, Giuseppe |
IPIN.3 |
26 |
Distributed Localization: A Comparison of Performance Limits |
Adiga, B. S. |
IE2.3 |
612 |
A Technique for Canceling Impulse Noise in Images Based on Compressive Sensing |
Aksamovic, Abdulah |
SPT.5 |
362 |
Comparative Analysis of Algorithms for Elimination of Exponentially Decaying DC Component |
Albu, Felix |
SPT.6 |
368 |
Simplified Proportionate Affine Projection Algorithms |
Alenezy, Fatimah |
BIP.3 |
421 |
Race Recognition From Face Images Using Weber Local Descriptor |
Alexandropoulos, George |
222 |
On the Performance of Interference Alignment Under Weak Interference |
Ali, Zulfiqar |
SaA2.2 |
552 |
Voice Intensity Based Gender Classification by Using Simpson's Rule with SVM |
Almeida, Hugo |
SaA1.2 |
468 |
Automatic Cymbal Classification Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization |
Alonso, José I. |
EWT.3 |
261 |
Novel Genetic Algorithm for Computer-Aided Optimization of Multi-Femtocell Deployments |
Alsulaiman, Mansour |
SaA2.2 |
552 |
Voice Intensity Based Gender Classification by Using Simpson's Rule with SVM |
Alves, Luis |
VP.4 |
388 |
Improvements to TZ Search Motion Estimation Algorithm for Multiview Video Coding |
Alves, Marcelo |
IVP.4 |
452 |
Evaluation of Surface Roughness Standards Applying Haralick Parameters and Artificial Neural Networks |
Ambekar, Abhijit |
S1.1 |
60 |
Improved Method of Secret Key Generation Based on Variations in Wireless Channel |
Arsene, Octavian |
GSP.2 |
508 |
Hydrophobicity and Charge Signals on Protein Surface |
Artner, Nicole |
324 |
Initializing 3D Model-based Tracking of Dice |
Asplund, Henrik |
227 |
Interference Alignment in Frequency - a Measurement Based Performance Analysis |
Auguin, Michel |
DSPC.6 |
122 |
An Efficient State of Charge Prediction Model for Solar Harvesting WSN Platforms |
Aurelius, Andreas |
VP.1 |
376 |
Reconstruction of Incomplete Decoded Videos for Use in Objective Quality Metrics |
Avdic, Elma |
EWT.2 |
256 |
Applicability Evaluation of Okumura, Ericsson 9999 and WINNER Propagation Models for Coverage Planning in 3.5 GHz WiMAX Systems |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Babić, Zdenka |
IPS.5 |
150 |
Orientation Difference Descriptor for Aerial Image Classification |
IE2.1 |
604 |
Multifocus Image Fusion Based on the First Level of Empirical Mode Decomposition |
Bacic, Iva |
IVP.2 |
442 |
Simplified Structural Similarity Measure for Image Quality Evaluation |
Bajibabu, B |
SaA2.3 |
556 |
Duration Modelling in Voice Conversion Using Artificial Neural Networks |
Bakmaz, Bojan |
NP.1 |
292 |
Traffic Parameters Influences on Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Environment |
Bakmaz, Miodrag |
NP.1 |
292 |
Traffic Parameters Influences on Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Environment |
Balster, Eric |
DIA.2 |
176 |
A High Throughput Architecture for the H.264/AVC Cavlc Encoder |
Banaee, Touka |
MSP.6 |
56 |
A Novel Automatic Method for Vessel Tortuosity Evaluation |
Barral, Valentin |
IPIN.6 |
40 |
Indoor Person Localization System Through RSSI Bluetooth Fingerprinting |
DAC.1 |
80 |
A Novel, Scalable and Distributed Software Architecture for Software-Defined Radio with Remote Interaction |
DAC.2 |
84 |
A Solution for Optimizing Costs and Improving Diversity of RFID Readers |
Bartoň, Marek |
STMIA1.5 |
500 |
Involvement of Region-Specific HRF in Classical Analysis of Event-Related fMRI Data |
Batista, Arnaldo |
197 |
Threshold Choice for Automatic Spindle Detection |
Bebis, George |
BIP.2 |
417 |
Gender Recognition From Face Images with Local WLD Descriptor |
BIP.3 |
421 |
Race Recognition From Face Images Using Weber Local Descriptor |
Begovic, Pamela |
EWT.2 |
256 |
Applicability Evaluation of Okumura, Ericsson 9999 and WINNER Propagation Models for Coverage Planning in 3.5 GHz WiMAX Systems |
Behlilovic, Narcis |
EWT.2 |
256 |
Applicability Evaluation of Okumura, Ericsson 9999 and WINNER Propagation Models for Coverage Planning in 3.5 GHz WiMAX Systems |
Belanovic, Pavle |
DAC.3 |
89 |
Distributed Primary User Identification From Imprecise Location Information |
Belleudy, Cécile |
DSPC.6 |
122 |
An Efficient State of Charge Prediction Model for Solar Harvesting WSN Platforms |
Bengtsson, Mats |
227 |
Interference Alignment in Frequency - a Measurement Based Performance Analysis |
Bernhardsson, Bo |
IPIN.4 |
32 |
Radio and IMU Based Indoor Positioning and Tracking |
Beuren, Arlete |
MIA2.3 |
284 |
Color Approach of Melanoma Lesion Segmentation |
Boashash, Boualem |
SPT.3 |
354 |
Signal Content Estimation Based on the Short-Term Time-Frequency Rényi Entropy of the S-method Time-Frequency Distribution |
Bogdanova, Sofija |
BIP.1 |
413 |
Logistic Regression Classifier for Palmprint Verification |
Bojkovic, Zoran |
NP.1 |
292 |
Traffic Parameters Influences on Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Environment |
Bostanci, Erkan |
IVP.3 |
448 |
Feature Coverage for Better Homography Estimation: An Application to Image Stitching |
Brandão, Tomás |
NP.6 |
312 |
Bitstream-based Quality Metric for Packetized Transmission of H.264 Encoded Video |
Brandt, Rasmus |
227 |
Interference Alignment in Frequency - a Measurement Based Performance Analysis |
Brew, Malcolm |
EWT.4 |
265 |
"WindFi" - A Renewable Powered Base Station for Rural Broadband |
Brosch, Nicole |
328 |
Motion Segmentation in Videos From Time of Flight Cameras |
Brunnström, Kjell |
VP.1 |
376 |
Reconstruction of Incomplete Decoded Videos for Use in Objective Quality Metrics |
Bryt, Ori |
IC.1 |
592 |
Adaptive Image Compression Using Sparse Dictionaries |
Budai, Attila |
STMIA2.3 |
568 |
Probability Map Based Localization of Optic Disk |
Bullkich, Elad |
IPS.4 |
146 |
Moving Shadow Detection by Nonlinear Tone-Mapping |
Busch, Christoph |
205 |
Gait Recognition for Mobile Devices Using Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machines |
Buzykanov, Sergey |
IE1.2 |
536 |
Enhancement of Poor Resolution Text Images in the Weighted Sobolev Space |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Cajote, Rhandley |
VP.3 |
384 |
Flexible Macroblock Ordering Based on Region of Interest for H.264/AVC Wireless Video Transmission |
Calle-Sánchez, Jaime |
EWT.3 |
261 |
Novel Genetic Algorithm for Computer-Aided Optimization of Multi-Femtocell Deployments |
Carrabina, Jordi |
SaA2.1 |
548 |
Spectro-Temporal Analysis of Speech for Spanish Phoneme Recognition |
Carreras, Carlos |
DIA.5 |
189 |
Acceleration of Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Quantization of DSP Systems |
Carvalho Filho, Edson |
MP.4 |
633 |
Integration and Evaluation of an HMM-Based Text-To-Speech System to FIVE |
Castagnetti, Andrea |
DSPC.6 |
122 |
An Efficient State of Charge Prediction Model for Solar Harvesting WSN Platforms |
Castedo, Luis |
DAC.4 |
93 |
Experimental Evaluation of MIMO Coded Modulation Systems: Concatenation with OSTBC or Spatial Multiplexing |
Cavaco, Sofia |
SaA1.2 |
468 |
Automatic Cymbal Classification Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization |
Chandra, Girish |
IE2.3 |
612 |
A Technique for Canceling Impulse Noise in Images Based on Compressive Sensing |
Cheng, Chi-Cheng |
IVP.5 |
456 |
A Robust Visual Servo Scheme for Underwater Pipeline Following |
Chin, Miguel |
NP.6 |
312 |
Bitstream-based Quality Metric for Packetized Transmission of H.264 Encoded Video |
Chmulik, Michal |
MP.2 |
629 |
Bio-Inspired Optimization of Acoustic Features for Generic Sound Recognition |
Choi, Ick-hyun |
IE2.5 |
621 |
Maximum Likelihood Estimation-Based De-interlacing |
Chung, Chung-Ping |
VP.5 |
392 |
Reducing the Number of Tested Modes for Inter Mode Decision in H.264/AVC and Accelerating with Multithreading |
Ciobanu, Amelia |
SaA1.4 |
476 |
Maximum Voiced Frequency Estimation for Voice Conversion Used in Text-To-Speech Systems |
Clark, Adrian |
IVP.3 |
448 |
Feature Coverage for Better Homography Estimation: An Application to Image Stitching |
Clemmensen, Line |
MSP.3 |
52 |
Regression and Sparse Regression Methods for Viscosity Estimation of Acid Milk From It's SLS Features |
Clua, Esteban |
IVP.4 |
452 |
Evaluation of Surface Roughness Standards Applying Haralick Parameters and Artificial Neural Networks |
Conci, Aura |
MIA1.4 |
244 |
Presenting Novel De-Nosing Techniques for Brain MRI |
Correia, Nuno |
193 |
Local Object Detection and Recognition in Mobile Devices |
201 |
Unveiling the Hand of a 19th Century Artist with Binary Image Classification and Bag-of-Features |
Costa, Joao |
197 |
Threshold Choice for Automatic Spindle Detection |
Cristea, Paul Dan |
MSP.1 |
44 |
Simple Low Level Laser Therapy Device Approach |
GSP.3 |
514 |
An ANN - PCA Adaptive Forecasting Model |
GSP.4 |
518 |
Nucleotide Genomic Signal Comparative Analysis of Genes Involved in Diabetes Type 2 for Various Taxons |
GSP.5 |
522 |
Training of Phase-Based Neurons |
GSP.6 |
526 |
Distances in Hominidae Family MTDNA From Nucleotide Genomic Signals |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Dapp, Robin |
STMIA1.1 |
484 |
Attenuation Reconstruction for 3D Ultrasound Computer Tomography |
Darbari, Faisal |
EWT.4 |
265 |
"WindFi" - A Renewable Powered Base Station for Rural Broadband |
Dardari, Davide |
IPIN.3 |
26 |
Distributed Localization: A Comparison of Performance Limits |
de Freitas, Helena |
201 |
Unveiling the Hand of a 19th Century Artist with Binary Image Classification and Bag-of-Features |
Deißler, Tobias |
IPIN.5 |
36 |
Infrastructureless Indoor Mapping Using a Mobile Antenna Array |
Delac, Kresimir |
MIA1.5 |
248 |
Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms |
Demirel, Hasan |
IVP.6 |
460 |
Video Coding Using Adaptive Eigenspace |
Denis, Benoit |
IPIN.1 |
17 |
Benefits From Cooperation in Simultaneous Anchor-less Tracking and Room Mapping Based on Impulse Radio - Ultra Wideband Devices |
Dermatas, Evagellos |
IPS.1 |
134 |
Rear Lights Vehicle Detection for Collision Avoidance |
des Noes, Mathieu |
IPIN.1 |
17 |
Benefits From Cooperation in Simultaneous Anchor-less Tracking and Room Mapping Based on Impulse Radio - Ultra Wideband Devices |
Dickmann, Juergen |
IE1.4 |
544 |
Modification of the Landweber Method Based on the Conjugate Gradient Method to Restore Automotive Radar Images |
Diewald, Fabian |
IE1.4 |
544 |
Modification of the Landweber Method Based on the Conjugate Gradient Method to Restore Automotive Radar Images |
Dittrich, Fábio |
IPS.2 |
138 |
People Counting in Crowded Scenes Using Multiple Cameras |
Domański, Marek |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |
SV.2 |
405 |
Vehicle Size Estimation From Stereoscopic Video |
Dumic, Emil |
IVP.2 |
442 |
Simplified Structural Similarity Measure for Image Quality Evaluation |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Effelsberg, Wolfgang |
DIA.1 |
172 |
Parallel Algorithms for Histogram-based Image Registration |
Eisenbarth, Mattias |
333 |
Quality Analysis of Virtual Views on Stereoscopic Video Content |
Erić, Miljko |
DSPC.5 |
118 |
TDOA Localization in IR UWB Systems |
Ersbøll, Bjarne |
MSP.3 |
52 |
Regression and Sparse Regression Methods for Viscosity Estimation of Acid Milk From It's SLS Features |
Escudero, Carlos |
IPIN.6 |
40 |
Indoor Person Localization System Through RSSI Bluetooth Fingerprinting |
DAC.1 |
80 |
A Novel, Scalable and Distributed Software Architecture for Software-Defined Radio with Remote Interaction |
DAC.2 |
84 |
A Solution for Optimizing Costs and Improving Diversity of RFID Readers |
Eshghi, Mohammad |
DIA.3 |
181 |
Design of a Reconfigurable Parallel Convolver |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Facon, Jacques |
MIA2.3 |
284 |
Color Approach of Melanoma Lesion Segmentation |
Fahmy, Mamdouh |
IE2.2 |
608 |
A Fast Iterative Blind Image Deconvolution Algorithm |
Fahmy, Omar |
IE2.2 |
608 |
A Fast Iterative Blind Image Deconvolution Algorithm |
Fakotakis, Nikolaos |
IPS.1 |
134 |
Rear Lights Vehicle Detection for Collision Avoidance |
Farkaš, Peter |
DAC.5 |
97 |
Iterative Timing for Wireless Sensor Networks |
Fazekas, Kálmán |
IPS.3 |
142 |
Optical Correlator Based Traffic Signs Recognition |
Fernández Durán, Alfonso |
EWT.3 |
261 |
Novel Genetic Algorithm for Computer-Aided Optimization of Multi-Femtocell Deployments |
Fischer, Matthias |
BIP.5 |
429 |
A Novel Palm Vein Recognition Approach Based on Enhanced Local Gabor Binary Patterns Histogram Sequence |
Fotopoulos, Vassilis |
S2.5 |
168 |
Pascal Transform Based Self-Authentication of Color Images |
Fousek, Jan |
STMIA2.7 |
584 |
Fast 3D Simulation for Ultrasound Transmission Tomography |
Fukuda, Osamu |
MIA2.1 |
276 |
Estimation of Marbling Score in Live Cattle Based on Dynamic Ultrasound Image Using a Neural Network |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Gajdoš, Martin |
STMIA1.3 |
492 |
Dataset Exploration Tool for fMRI Group Analysis |
Galić, Irena |
IVP.1 |
437 |
Computer Image Quality Selection Between JPEG, JPEG 2000 and PDE Compression |
Garcia-Frias, Javier |
DAC.4 |
93 |
Experimental Evaluation of MIMO Coded Modulation Systems: Concatenation with OSTBC or Spatial Multiplexing |
García-Naya, José A. |
DAC.1 |
80 |
A Novel, Scalable and Distributed Software Architecture for Software-Defined Radio with Remote Interaction |
DAC.4 |
93 |
Experimental Evaluation of MIMO Coded Modulation Systems: Concatenation with OSTBC or Spatial Multiplexing |
Gaur, Manoj |
S1.4 |
72 |
Robust Multi-Modal Watermarking Using Visually Encrypted Watermark |
Gazarek, Jiri |
STMIA1.6 |
504 |
Analysis of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Via Markov Random Fields in Color Fundus Images |
Gelautz, Margrit |
328 |
Motion Segmentation in Videos From Time of Flight Cameras |
333 |
Quality Analysis of Virtual Views on Stereoscopic Video Content |
Gemmeke, Hartmut |
STMIA1.1 |
484 |
Attenuation Reconstruction for 3D Ultrasound Computer Tomography |
STMIA2.2 |
564 |
Analysis of the Influence of Multiple Scattering on the Reconstruction of Ultrasound Tomography Signals Using Synthetic Aperture Focussing Technique |
George, Nithin |
SaA2.4 |
560 |
A Reduced Complexity Adaptive Legendre Neural Network for Nonlinear Active Noise Control |
Ghadiri, Farnoosh |
MSP.6 |
56 |
A Novel Automatic Method for Vessel Tortuosity Evaluation |
Ghuffar, Sajid |
328 |
Motion Segmentation in Videos From Time of Flight Cameras |
Goertz, Norbert |
DSPC.1 |
104 |
Girth Analysis of Polynomial-based Time-Invariant LDPC Convolutional Codes |
DSPC.2 |
109 |
Soft Channel Encoding; A Comparison of Algorithms for Soft Information Relaying |
DSPC.7 |
126 |
An Algorithm for Highly Efficient Waterfilling with Guaranteed Convergence |
Gonter, Johannes |
DSPC.7 |
126 |
An Algorithm for Highly Efficient Waterfilling with Guaranteed Convergence |
González-López, Miguel |
DAC.4 |
93 |
Experimental Evaluation of MIMO Coded Modulation Systems: Concatenation with OSTBC or Spatial Multiplexing |
Götze, Jürgen |
S2.2 |
154 |
CDMA Based Blind and Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Images in Wavelet Domain |
Grajek, Tomasz |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |
Greitans, Modris |
BIP.6 |
433 |
Reduced Complexity Automatic Face Recognition Algorithm Based on Local Binary Patterns |
Grenier, Yves |
SaA1.5 |
480 |
From Binaural to Multimicrophone Blind Source Separation Using Fixed Beamforming with HRTFs |
Grgic, Mislav |
MIA1.5 |
248 |
Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms |
Grgic, Sonja |
IC.2 |
5 |
JPEG Image Tampering Detection Using Blocking Artifacts |
IVP.2 |
442 |
Simplified Structural Similarity Measure for Image Quality Evaluation |
Gu, Zhouye |
VP.6 |
397 |
Improve H.264/AVC Lossless Coding by Coefficients Reordering |
Gunjan, Reena |
S1.4 |
72 |
Robust Multi-Modal Watermarking Using Visually Encrypted Watermark |
Guthier, Benjamin |
DIA.1 |
172 |
Parallel Algorithms for Histogram-based Image Registration |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Habib, Aamir |
EWT.5 |
269 |
Convex Optimization for Receive Antenna Selection in Multi-Polarized MIMO Transmissions |
Hämmerle-Uhl, Jutta |
IC.4 |
13 |
Recognition Impact of JPEG2000 Part 2 Wavelet Packet Subband Structures in Polar Iris Image Compression |
Harasthy, Tomas |
IPS.3 |
142 |
Optical Correlator Based Traffic Signs Recognition |
Hardt, Marcus |
STMIA2.2 |
564 |
Analysis of the Influence of Multiple Scattering on the Reconstruction of Ultrasound Tomography Signals Using Synthetic Aperture Focussing Technique |
Hashemi, Mohammad Reza |
DIA.3 |
181 |
Design of a Reconfigurable Parallel Convolver |
Havlíček, Martin |
STMIA1.5 |
500 |
Involvement of Region-Specific HRF in Classical Analysis of Event-Related fMRI Data |
Haxhimusa, Yll |
316 |
Classification of Gothic and Baroque Architectural Elements |
Heath, Robert |
217 |
Interference-Free Relay Transmission Without CSI-S for the MIMO Two-Hop Interference Channel |
Heinze, Theodor |
IE1.3 |
540 |
Joint Multi-Frame Demosaicing and Super-Resolution with Artificial Neural Networks |
Hel-Or, Hagit |
IPS.4 |
146 |
Moving Shadow Detection by Nonlinear Tone-Mapping |
Hel-Or, Yacov |
IPS.4 |
146 |
Moving Shadow Detection by Nonlinear Tone-Mapping |
Hemzal, Dušan |
STMIA2.6 |
580 |
Analytic Ray Propagation in FEM Modelling of Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography |
Hernandez-Tamames, Juan |
MIA1.4 |
244 |
Presenting Novel De-Nosing Techniques for Brain MRI |
Hestbek, Martin |
205 |
Gait Recognition for Mobile Devices Using Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machines |
HoangVan, Xiem |
VP.2 |
380 |
A Probabilistic Intra Mode Decision in Distributed Video Coding |
Hoffman, Marc |
DIA.2 |
176 |
A High Throughput Architecture for the H.264/AVC Cavlc Encoder |
Horev, Inbal |
IC.1 |
592 |
Adaptive Image Compression Using Sparse Dictionaries |
Hornegger, Joachim |
STMIA2.3 |
568 |
Probability Map Based Localization of Optic Disk |
STMIA2.4 |
572 |
Application of Morphological Operators for Optic Nerve Head Segmentation in Optical Coherence Tomography Images |
Horváth, Péter |
DSPC.8 |
130 |
Recursive Discrete FourierTransform Based SMT Receivers for Cognitive Radio Applications |
Hosseini, Amin |
IE1.4 |
544 |
Modification of the Landweber Method Based on the Conjugate Gradient Method to Restore Automotive Radar Images |
Hussain, Muhammad |
MIA2.4 |
288 |
Automatic Mass Detection in Mammograms Using Multiscale Spatial Weber Local Descriptor |
BIP.2 |
417 |
Gender Recognition From Face Images with Local WLD Descriptor |
BIP.3 |
421 |
Race Recognition From Face Images Using Weber Local Descriptor |
Huttl, Ondrej |
NP.4 |
304 |
Performance of Native and In-Depth Interleaving Used in DVB-H in Mobile Fading Channels |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Ilan, Idan |
IPS.4 |
146 |
Moving Shadow Detection by Nonlinear Tone-Mapping |
Irshad, Yasir |
DSPC.4 |
114 |
A Comparison of Estimation Concepts Applied to Networked Control Systems |
Ivanovski, Zoran |
IC.2 |
596 |
Single Image Depth Estimation Using Local Gradient-Based Features |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Jaiswal, Sunil |
S2.4 |
164 |
An Efficient Two Pass Lossless Invisible Watermarking Algorithm for Natural Images |
Jakhetiya, Vinit |
S2.4 |
164 |
An Efficient Two Pass Lossless Invisible Watermarking Algorithm for Natural Images |
Jan, Jiří |
STMIA1.6 |
504 |
Analysis of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Via Markov Random Fields in Color Fundus Images |
STMIA2.5 |
576 |
Analysis of Connections Between Simultaneous EEG and fMRI Data |
STMIA2.6 |
580 |
Analytic Ray Propagation in FEM Modelling of Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography |
STMIA2.7 |
584 |
Fast 3D Simulation for Ultrasound Transmission Tomography |
STMIA2.8 |
588 |
Analysis of Brain Connectivity in Simultaneous EEG/fMRI |
Janson, Malgorzata |
IPIN.5 |
36 |
Infrastructureless Indoor Mapping Using a Mobile Antenna Array |
Jarina, Roman |
MP.2 |
629 |
Bio-Inspired Optimization of Acoustic Features for Generic Sound Recognition |
Jaworski, Michal |
S2.3 |
160 |
Producing Secure Pseudorandom Sequences with Combined Multiplicative Congruential Generators |
Jeon, Byeungwoo |
VP.2 |
380 |
A Probabilistic Intra Mode Decision in Distributed Video Coding |
Jessa, Mieczyslaw |
S2.3 |
160 |
Producing Secure Pseudorandom Sequences with Combined Multiplicative Congruential Generators |
Jesus, Rui |
193 |
Local Object Detection and Recognition in Mobile Devices |
201 |
Unveiling the Hand of a 19th Century Artist with Binary Image Classification and Bag-of-Features |
Jiang, Bo-Tung |
IVP.5 |
456 |
A Robust Visual Servo Scheme for Underwater Pipeline Following |
Jiřík, Radovan |
STMIA2.6 |
580 |
Analytic Ray Propagation in FEM Modelling of Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography |
STMIA2.7 |
584 |
Fast 3D Simulation for Ultrasound Transmission Tomography |
Juhár, Jozef |
MP.5 |
637 |
Alternative Phonetic Class Definition in Linear Discriminant Analysis of Speech |
Jung, Dae-Jin |
S1.2 |
64 |
Enhancing Detection of Digital Watermark Against Resampling Attacks by Analyzing Periodicity of Interpolation |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Kadhe, Swanand |
IE2.3 |
612 |
A Technique for Canceling Impulse Noise in Images Based on Compressive Sensing |
Kaitovic, Jelena |
DSPC.5 |
118 |
TDOA Localization in IR UWB Systems |
Kančelkis, Deividas |
IC.3 |
600 |
A New Approach to Quad-Tree Analysis in EZW Algorithm |
Kanwal, Nadia |
IVP.3 |
448 |
Feature Coverage for Better Homography Estimation: An Application to Image Stitching |
Kapruziak, Mariusz |
DIA.4 |
185 |
Randomized Hough Transform with Minimal Memory Requirements |
Karnutsch, Michael |
IC.4 |
13 |
Recognition Impact of JPEG2000 Part 2 Wavelet Packet Subband Structures in Polar Iris Image Compression |
Karwowski, Damian |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |
Kavicky, Lukas |
337 |
Using an Affective Human-Like Association Architecture for Life-Logs |
Kenyeres, Jozef |
DAC.5 |
97 |
Iterative Timing for Wireless Sensor Networks |
Kenyeres, Martin |
DAC.5 |
97 |
Iterative Timing for Wireless Sensor Networks |
Khan, Naveed |
MIA2.4 |
288 |
Automatic Mass Detection in Mammograms Using Multiscale Spatial Weber Local Descriptor |
Kihl, Maria |
VP.1 |
376 |
Reconstruction of Incomplete Decoded Videos for Use in Objective Quality Metrics |
Klappstein, Jens |
IE1.4 |
544 |
Modification of the Landweber Method Based on the Conjugate Gradient Method to Restore Automotive Radar Images |
Koerich, Alessandro |
IPS.2 |
138 |
People Counting in Crowded Scenes Using Multiple Cameras |
Koga, Hisashi |
SPT.4 |
358 |
CTFI: Adaptive Pattern Analysis of Internet Traffic Using Time Series Compressibility |
Kolar, Radim |
STMIA1.6 |
504 |
Analysis of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Via Markov Random Fields in Color Fundus Images |
Kollár, Zsolt |
DSPC.8 |
130 |
Recursive Discrete FourierTransform Based SMT Receivers for Cognitive Radio Applications |
Kondelová, Anna |
MP.1 |
625 |
Introduction to Speech Synthesis Management Tools |
Konieczny, Jacek |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |
SV.3 |
409 |
Player Extraction in Sports Video Sequences |
Kopf, Stephan |
DIA.1 |
172 |
Parallel Algorithms for Histogram-based Image Registration |
Kordi Ghasrodashti, Elham |
IE2.4 |
616 |
Image Fusion Based on Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform and Phase Congruency |
Kostadinov, Dimce |
BIP.1 |
413 |
Logistic Regression Classifier for Palmprint Verification |
IC.2 |
596 |
Single Image Depth Estimation Using Local Gradient-Based Features |
Krasniqi, Bujar |
EWT.5 |
269 |
Convex Optimization for Receive Antenna Selection in Multi-Polarized MIMO Transmissions |
Kratochvil, Tomas |
NP.4 |
304 |
Performance of Native and In-Depth Interleaving Used in DVB-H in Mobile Fading Channels |
Kropatsch, Walter |
324 |
Initializing 3D Model-based Tracking of Dice |
Ku, Li-chi |
STMIA1.2 |
488 |
Quantization on EEG Covariance Matrix Images During TOVA Attention Test for Depression Disorder Classification |
Kuna, Zdenek |
STMIA1.6 |
504 |
Analysis of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Via Markov Random Fields in Color Fundus Images |
Kurc, Maciej |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |
Kuruvatti, Nandish |
S1.1 |
60 |
Improved Method of Secret Key Generation Based on Variations in Wireless Channel |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Labounek, René |
STMIA2.5 |
576 |
Analysis of Connections Between Simultaneous EEG and fMRI Data |
Lameira, Ana |
193 |
Local Object Detection and Recognition in Mobile Devices |
Lamoš, Martin |
STMIA2.5 |
576 |
Analysis of Connections Between Simultaneous EEG and fMRI Data |
STMIA2.8 |
588 |
Analysis of Brain Connectivity in Simultaneous EEG/fMRI |
Langwieser, Robert |
DAC.2 |
84 |
A Solution for Optimizing Costs and Improving Diversity of RFID Readers |
Lau, C. T. |
VP.6 |
397 |
Improve H.264/AVC Lossless Coding by Coefficients Reordering |
Laurik, Lenke |
STMIA2.3 |
568 |
Probability Map Based Localization of Optic Disk |
Laxmi, Vijay |
S1.4 |
72 |
Robust Multi-Modal Watermarking Using Visually Encrypted Watermark |
Lee, Bu Sung |
VP.6 |
397 |
Improve H.264/AVC Lossless Coding by Coefficients Reordering |
Lee, Hae-Yeoun |
S1.2 |
64 |
Enhancing Detection of Digital Watermark Against Resampling Attacks by Analyzing Periodicity of Interpolation |
Lee, Heung-Kyu |
S1.2 |
64 |
Enhancing Detection of Digital Watermark Against Resampling Attacks by Analyzing Periodicity of Interpolation |
Lee, Ho-Taek |
IE2.5 |
621 |
Maximum Likelihood Estimation-Based De-interlacing |
Lee, Kun-Ying |
S1.5 |
76 |
High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding by Maximum-Span Pixel Pairing on Ordered Dithered Halftone Images |
Lee, Namyoon |
217 |
Interference-Free Relay Transmission Without CSI-S for the MIMO Two-Hop Interference Channel |
Leitner, Christina |
SaA1.1 |
464 |
Musical Noise Suppression for Speech Enhancement Using Pre-Image Iterations |
Leta, Fabiana |
IVP.4 |
452 |
Evaluation of Surface Roughness Standards Applying Haralick Parameters and Artificial Neural Networks |
Liatsis, Panos |
MIA1.2 |
236 |
Lungprints: An Alternative View in Multiple-Stream Time-series Analysis of Bioimpedance Signals |
MIA1.3 |
240 |
Retinal Vessel Segmentation in Fluorescein Angiograms Using a Commitee of Local Experts |
Lien, Brian |
S1.5 |
76 |
High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding by Maximum-Span Pixel Pairing on Ordered Dithered Halftone Images |
Lin, Weisi |
VP.6 |
397 |
Improve H.264/AVC Lossless Coding by Coefficients Reordering |
Lin, Yen-ming |
S1.5 |
76 |
High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding by Maximum-Span Pixel Pairing on Ordered Dithered Halftone Images |
Loos, Alexander |
BIP.4 |
425 |
Towards Automated Visual Identification of Primates Using Face Recognition |
López, Juan Antonio |
DIA.5 |
189 |
Acceleration of Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Quantization of DSP Systems |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Maazaoui, Mounira |
SaA1.5 |
480 |
From Binaural to Multimicrophone Blind Source Separation Using Fixed Beamforming with HRTFs |
Macedo, Rita |
201 |
Unveiling the Hand of a 19th Century Artist with Binary Image Classification and Bag-of-Features |
Machajdik, Jana |
337 |
Using an Affective Human-Like Association Architecture for Life-Logs |
Maciel, Alexandre |
MP.4 |
633 |
Integration and Evaluation of an HMM-Based Text-To-Speech System to FIVE |
Mackowiak, Slawomir |
SV.3 |
409 |
Player Extraction in Sports Video Sequences |
Maheshwari, Saurabh |
S1.4 |
72 |
Robust Multi-Modal Watermarking Using Visually Encrypted Watermark |
Maierhofer, Stefan |
320 |
Segmenting Multiple Range Images with Primitive Shapes |
Mandić, Lidija |
S1.3 |
68 |
Improvement of the Watermark Detector Perfomance Using Image Enhancement Filters |
Mannesson, Anders |
IPIN.4 |
32 |
Radio and IMU Based Indoor Positioning and Tracking |
Mardin, Christian |
STMIA2.4 |
572 |
Application of Morphological Operators for Optic Nerve Head Segmentation in Optical Coherence Tomography Images |
Mareček, Radek |
STMIA1.3 |
492 |
Dataset Exploration Tool for fMRI Group Analysis |
STMIA1.4 |
496 |
Comparing fMRI Data Processing Methods with Respect to Possible Inaccuracy |
STMIA1.5 |
500 |
Involvement of Region-Specific HRF in Classical Analysis of Event-Related fMRI Data |
STMIA2.5 |
576 |
Analysis of Connections Between Simultaneous EEG and fMRI Data |
Mat Ibrahim, Masrullizam |
MIA2.2 |
280 |
Non-rigid Eye Movement Tracking and Eye State Quantification |
Mayer, Markus |
STMIA2.4 |
572 |
Application of Morphological Operators for Optic Nerve Head Segmentation in Optical Coherence Tomography Images |
McGuire, Colin |
EWT.4 |
265 |
"WindFi" - A Renewable Powered Base Station for Rural Broadband |
Meidlinger, Michael |
EWT.1 |
252 |
Performance Evaluation of LTE Advanced Downlink Channel Estimators |
Meissner, Paul |
IPIN.2 |
22 |
Multipath-Assisted Single-Anchor Indoor Localization in an Office Environment |
Melo, Maria João |
201 |
Unveiling the Hand of a 19th Century Artist with Binary Image Classification and Bag-of-Features |
Michelson, Georg |
STMIA2.3 |
568 |
Probability Map Based Localization of Optic Disk |
Mikl, Michal |
STMIA1.3 |
492 |
Dataset Exploration Tool for fMRI Group Analysis |
STMIA1.4 |
496 |
Comparing fMRI Data Processing Methods with Respect to Possible Inaccuracy |
STMIA1.5 |
500 |
Involvement of Region-Specific HRF in Classical Analysis of Event-Related fMRI Data |
STMIA2.8 |
588 |
Analysis of Brain Connectivity in Simultaneous EEG/fMRI |
Mirza, Anwar |
BIP.3 |
421 |
Race Recognition From Face Images Using Weber Local Descriptor |
Mittal, Gaurav |
S2.4 |
164 |
An Efficient Two Pass Lossless Invisible Watermarking Algorithm for Natural Images |
Miyajima, Tsuneharu |
MIA2.1 |
276 |
Estimation of Marbling Score in Live Cattle Based on Dynamic Ultrasound Image Using a Neural Network |
Moghadam, Nima |
211 |
An Experimental Investigation of SIMO, MIMO, Interference-alignment (IA) and Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) |
Mohammed, Usama |
IE2.2 |
608 |
A Fast Iterative Blind Image Deconvolution Algorithm |
Molina-Garcia, Mariano |
EWT.3 |
261 |
Novel Genetic Algorithm for Computer-Aided Optimization of Multi-Femtocell Deployments |
Montagner, Cristina |
201 |
Unveiling the Hand of a 19th Century Artist with Binary Image Classification and Bag-of-Features |
Moreno, Ana Belén |
MIA1.4 |
244 |
Presenting Novel De-Nosing Techniques for Brain MRI |
Mortazawi Molu, Mehdi |
DSPC.2 |
109 |
Soft Channel Encoding; A Comparison of Algorithms for Soft Information Relaying |
Moshe, Yair |
IPS.4 |
146 |
Moving Shadow Detection by Nonlinear Tone-Mapping |
Mossberg, Magnus |
DSPC.4 |
114 |
A Comparison of Estimation Concepts Applied to Networked Control Systems |
Moupagiatzis, Ioannis |
STMIA2.4 |
572 |
Application of Morphological Operators for Optic Nerve Head Segmentation in Optical Coherence Tomography Images |
Muhammad, Ghulam |
BIP.2 |
417 |
Gender Recognition From Face Images with Local WLD Descriptor |
BIP.3 |
421 |
Race Recognition From Face Images Using Weber Local Descriptor |
SaA2.2 |
552 |
Voice Intensity Based Gender Classification by Using Simpson's Rule with SVM |
Musa, Osman |
SPT.5 |
362 |
Comparative Analysis of Algorithms for Elimination of Exponentially Decaying DC Component |
Mustra, Mario |
MIA1.5 |
248 |
Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms |
Myllyniemi, Mikko |
NP.5 |
308 |
DASH-based Approach for Delivery of Automatic Video Summaries |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
N, Purnachand |
VP.4 |
388 |
Improvements to TZ Search Motion Estimation Algorithm for Multiview Video Coding |
Nabeoka, Natsuko |
MIA2.1 |
276 |
Estimation of Marbling Score in Live Cattle Based on Dynamic Ultrasound Image Using a Neural Network |
Nastac, Dumitru Iulian |
GSP.3 |
514 |
An ANN - PCA Adaptive Forecasting Model |
Navarro, Antonio |
VP.4 |
388 |
Improvements to TZ Search Motion Estimation Algorithm for Multiview Video Coding |
Negrescu, Cristian |
SaA1.4 |
476 |
Maximum Voiced Frequency Estimation for Voice Conversion Used in Text-To-Speech Systems |
Neumann, Heiko |
IE1.4 |
544 |
Modification of the Landweber Method Based on the Conjugate Gradient Method to Restore Automotive Radar Images |
Nickel, Claudia |
205 |
Gait Recognition for Mobile Devices Using Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machines |
Nicolau, Dan |
GSP.2 |
508 |
Hydrophobicity and Charge Signals on Protein Surface |
Nielsen, Otto |
MSP.3 |
52 |
Regression and Sparse Regression Methods for Viscosity Estimation of Acid Milk From It's SLS Features |
Nikisins, Olegs |
BIP.6 |
433 |
Reduced Complexity Automatic Face Recognition Algorithm Based on Local Binary Patterns |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Odstrcilik, Jan |
STMIA1.6 |
504 |
Analysis of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Via Markov Random Fields in Color Fundus Images |
Oh, Tae Woo |
S1.2 |
64 |
Enhancing Detection of Digital Watermark Against Resampling Attacks by Analyzing Periodicity of Interpolation |
Ojutkangas, Onni |
NP.5 |
308 |
DASH-based Approach for Delivery of Automatic Video Summaries |
Oliveira, Luiz |
IPS.2 |
138 |
People Counting in Crowded Scenes Using Multiple Cameras |
Olsson, Roger |
IC.1 |
1 |
Improved Edge Detection for EWOC Depth Upscaling |
Oravec, Milos |
NP.2 |
296 |
Long Term Ahead Prediction Using Neural Networks |
Orović, Irena |
SPT.3 |
354 |
Signal Content Estimation Based on the Short-Term Time-Frequency Rényi Entropy of the S-method Time-Frequency Distribution |
Ortigueira, Manuel |
197 |
Threshold Choice for Automatic Spindle Detection |
Ovseník, Lubos |
IPS.3 |
142 |
Optical Correlator Based Traffic Signs Recognition |
Ozar, Fatma |
IVP.6 |
460 |
Video Coding Using Adaptive Eigenspace |
Ozeki, Ushio |
SPT.4 |
358 |
CTFI: Adaptive Pattern Analysis of Internet Traffic Using Time Series Compressibility |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Paiva, Teresa |
197 |
Threshold Choice for Automatic Spindle Detection |
Panda, Ganapati |
SaA2.4 |
560 |
A Reduced Complexity Adaptive Legendre Neural Network for Nonlinear Active Noise Control |
Panyavaraporn, Jantana |
VP.3 |
384 |
Flexible Macroblock Ordering Based on Region of Interest for H.264/AVC Wireless Video Transmission |
Papadias, Constantinos |
222 |
On the Performance of Interference Alignment Under Weak Interference |
Papaharalabos, Stylianos |
222 |
On the Performance of Interference Alignment Under Weak Interference |
Park, Jongbin |
VP.2 |
380 |
A Probabilistic Intra Mode Decision in Distributed Video Coding |
Păvăloiu, Bujor |
GSP.5 |
522 |
Training of Phase-Based Neurons |
Pegatoquet, Alain |
DSPC.6 |
122 |
An Efficient State of Charge Prediction Model for Solar Harvesting WSN Platforms |
Perez, Gabriela |
MIA1.4 |
244 |
Presenting Novel De-Nosing Techniques for Brain MRI |
Pérez Iglesias, Héctor |
IPIN.6 |
40 |
Indoor Person Localization System Through RSSI Bluetooth Fingerprinting |
Pernkopf, Franz |
SaA1.1 |
464 |
Musical Noise Suppression for Speech Enhancement Using Pre-Image Iterations |
Petropoulakis, Lykourgos |
MIA2.2 |
280 |
Non-rigid Eye Movement Tracking and Eye State Quantification |
Petrovic, Juraj |
IC.2 |
5 |
JPEG Image Tampering Detection Using Blocking Artifacts |
Pfeifer, Norbert |
328 |
Motion Segmentation in Videos From Time of Flight Cameras |
Pfitzer, Martin |
BIP.4 |
425 |
Towards Automated Visual Identification of Primates Using Face Recognition |
Pilka, Filip |
NP.2 |
296 |
Long Term Ahead Prediction Using Neural Networks |
Pinheiro, Rodrigo |
MIA2.3 |
284 |
Color Approach of Melanoma Lesion Segmentation |
Pleva, Matus |
MP.5 |
637 |
Alternative Phonetic Class Definition in Linear Discriminant Analysis of Speech |
Polak, Ladislav |
NP.4 |
304 |
Performance of Native and In-Depth Interleaving Used in DVB-H in Mobile Fading Channels |
Poljičak, Ante |
S1.3 |
68 |
Improvement of the Watermark Detector Perfomance Using Image Enhancement Filters |
Polze, Andreas |
IE1.3 |
540 |
Joint Multi-Frame Demosaicing and Super-Resolution with Artificial Neural Networks |
Pourreza, Hamidreza |
MSP.6 |
56 |
A Novel Automatic Method for Vessel Tortuosity Evaluation |
Prahallad, Kishore |
SaA2.3 |
556 |
Duration Modelling in Voice Conversion Using Artificial Neural Networks |
Přikryl, Radovan |
STMIA1.4 |
496 |
Comparing fMRI Data Processing Methods with Respect to Possible Inaccuracy |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Quehl, Bernhard |
IC.3 |
9 |
Text Detection in Video Images Using Adaptive Edge Detection and Stroke Width Verification |
Queluz, Maria Paula |
NP.6 |
312 |
Bitstream-based Quality Metric for Packetized Transmission of H.264 Encoded Video |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Raheem, Gamal |
IE2.2 |
608 |
A Fast Iterative Blind Image Deconvolution Algorithm |
Rajendran, Madan |
IE1.1 |
530 |
Image De-noising Using Mean Pixel Algorithms Corrupted with Photocopier Noise |
Ramachandran, Geetha |
341 |
Multiview Synthesis From Stereo Views |
Ratajczak, Robert |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |
SV.2 |
405 |
Vehicle Size Estimation From Stereoscopic Video |
Ratnarajah, Tharmalingam |
231 |
Single Antenna Interference Alignment for Finite Relay Networks |
Razzazi, Farbod |
SPT.7 |
372 |
A Fast Compressive Sensing Based N-best Class Selector for Classification Applications |
Reisner-Kollmann, Irene |
320 |
Segmenting Multiple Range Images with Primitive Shapes |
Rimac-Drlje, Snjezana |
IVP.1 |
437 |
Computer Image Quality Selection Between JPEG, JPEG 2000 and PDE Compression |
Risojević, Vladimir |
IPS.5 |
150 |
Orientation Difference Descriptor for Aerial Image Classification |
Rodas, Javier |
DAC.1 |
80 |
A Novel, Scalable and Distributed Software Architecture for Software-Defined Radio with Remote Interaction |
DAC.2 |
84 |
A Solution for Optimizing Costs and Improving Diversity of RFID Readers |
Rodriguez-Hernandez, Miguel |
MSP.2 |
48 |
Wavelet Denoising of Ultrasonic A-scans for Detection of Weak Signals |
Ronanki, Srikanth |
SaA2.3 |
556 |
Duration Modelling in Voice Conversion Using Artificial Neural Networks |
Rozinaj, Gregor |
MP.1 |
625 |
Introduction to Speech Synthesis Management Tools |
Rubinstein, Ron |
IC.1 |
592 |
Adaptive Image Compression Using Sparse Dictionaries |
Ruiter, Nicole |
STMIA1.1 |
484 |
Attenuation Reconstruction for 3D Ultrasound Computer Tomography |
STMIA2.2 |
564 |
Analysis of the Influence of Multiple Scattering on the Reconstruction of Ultrasound Tomography Signals Using Synthetic Aperture Focussing Technique |
STMIA2.7 |
584 |
Fast 3D Simulation for Ultrasound Transmission Tomography |
Rupp, Markus |
DAC.5 |
97 |
Iterative Timing for Wireless Sensor Networks |
EWT.5 |
269 |
Convex Optimization for Receive Antenna Selection in Multi-Polarized MIMO Transmissions |
341 |
Multiview Synthesis From Stereo Views |
Rybnicek, Marlies |
BIP.5 |
429 |
A Novel Palm Vein Recognition Approach Based on Enhanced Local Gabor Binary Patterns Histogram Sequence |
Ryu, Seung-Jin |
S1.2 |
64 |
Enhancing Detection of Digital Watermark Against Resampling Attacks by Analyzing Periodicity of Interpolation |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Sablatnig, Robert |
316 |
Classification of Gothic and Baroque Architectural Elements |
Sack, Harald |
IC.3 |
9 |
Text Detection in Video Images Using Adaptive Edge Detection and Stroke Width Verification |
Saeb, Armin |
SPT.7 |
372 |
A Fast Compressive Sensing Based N-best Class Selector for Classification Applications |
Samee, Muhammad |
S2.2 |
154 |
CDMA Based Blind and Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Images in Wavelet Domain |
San Emeterio, Jose Luis |
MSP.2 |
48 |
Wavelet Denoising of Ultrasonic A-scans for Detection of Weak Signals |
Saulig, Nicoletta |
SPT.3 |
354 |
Signal Content Estimation Based on the Short-Term Time-Frequency Rényi Entropy of the S-method Time-Frequency Distribution |
Savić, Slavica |
IE2.1 |
604 |
Multifocus Image Fusion Based on the First Level of Empirical Mode Decomposition |
Schotten, Hans |
S1.1 |
60 |
Improved Method of Secret Key Generation Based on Variations in Wireless Channel |
Schuster, Stefan |
SPT.2 |
350 |
Parameter Estimation for the Cauchy Distribution |
Schwarz, Sebastian |
IC.1 |
1 |
Improved Edge Detection for EWOC Depth Upscaling |
Sedano, Enrique |
DIA.5 |
189 |
Acceleration of Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Quantization of DSP Systems |
Sedano, Iñigo |
VP.1 |
376 |
Reconstruction of Incomplete Decoded Videos for Use in Objective Quality Metrics |
Seitner, Florian |
333 |
Quality Analysis of Virtual Views on Stereoscopic Video Content |
Sellathurai, Mathini |
231 |
Single Antenna Interference Alignment for Finite Relay Networks |
Serrano, Javier |
SaA2.1 |
548 |
Spectro-Temporal Analysis of Speech for Spanish Phoneme Recognition |
Severi, Stefano |
IPIN.3 |
26 |
Distributed Localization: A Comparison of Performance Limits |
Shalunts, Gayane |
316 |
Classification of Gothic and Baroque Architectural Elements |
Sharifzadeh, Sara |
MSP.3 |
52 |
Regression and Sparse Regression Methods for Viscosity Estimation of Acid Milk From It's SLS Features |
SaA2.1 |
548 |
Spectro-Temporal Analysis of Speech for Spanish Phoneme Recognition |
Shen, Tsu-Wang |
STMIA1.2 |
488 |
Quantization on EEG Covariance Matrix Images During TOVA Attention Test for Depression Disorder Classification |
Siast, Jakub |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |
Siogkas, George |
IPS.1 |
134 |
Rear Lights Vehicle Detection for Collision Avoidance |
Sjöström, Mårten |
IC.1 |
1 |
Improved Edge Detection for EWOC Depth Upscaling |
Skodras, Athanassios |
S2.5 |
168 |
Pascal Transform Based Self-Authentication of Color Images |
Skodras, Evangelos |
IPS.1 |
134 |
Rear Lights Vehicle Detection for Collision Avoidance |
Skytte, Jacob |
MSP.3 |
52 |
Regression and Sparse Regression Methods for Viscosity Estimation of Acid Milk From It's SLS Features |
Somfai, Gabor |
STMIA2.3 |
568 |
Probability Map Based Localization of Optic Disk |
Song, Byung Cheol |
IE2.5 |
621 |
Maximum Likelihood Estimation-Based De-interlacing |
Soraghan, John |
MIA2.2 |
280 |
Non-rigid Eye Movement Tracking and Eye State Quantification |
Stanescu, Sorin |
MSP.1 |
44 |
Simple Low Level Laser Therapy Device Approach |
Stankiewicz, Olgierd |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |
Stanković, Srdjan |
SPT.3 |
354 |
Signal Content Estimation Based on the Short-Term Time-Frequency Rényi Entropy of the S-method Time-Frequency Distribution |
Stankowski, Jakub |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |
Stanomir, Dumitru |
SaA1.4 |
476 |
Maximum Voiced Frequency Estimation for Voice Conversion Used in Text-To-Speech Systems |
Stasiński, Ryszard |
SPT.1 |
346 |
Prime Factor FFT for Modern Computers |
Stewart, Robert |
EWT.4 |
265 |
"WindFi" - A Renewable Powered Base Station for Rural Broadband |
Strgar Kurečić, Maja |
S1.3 |
68 |
Improvement of the Watermark Detector Perfomance Using Image Enhancement Filters |
Sucic, Victor |
SPT.3 |
354 |
Signal Content Estimation Based on the Short-Term Time-Frequency Rényi Entropy of the S-method Time-Frequency Distribution |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Teodorescu, Dragoș |
GSP.4 |
518 |
Nucleotide Genomic Signal Comparative Analysis of Genes Involved in Diabetes Type 2 for Various Taxons |
Thielecke, Joern |
IPIN.5 |
36 |
Infrastructureless Indoor Mapping Using a Mobile Antenna Array |
Tiwari, Anil |
S2.4 |
164 |
An Efficient Two Pass Lossless Invisible Watermarking Algorithm for Natural Images |
Tjoa, Simon |
BIP.5 |
429 |
A Novel Palm Vein Recognition Approach Based on Enhanced Local Gabor Binary Patterns Histogram Sequence |
Tomperi, Seppo |
NP.5 |
308 |
DASH-based Approach for Delivery of Automatic Video Summaries |
Tornow, Ralf |
STMIA2.4 |
572 |
Application of Morphological Operators for Optic Nerve Head Segmentation in Optical Coherence Tomography Images |
Torres, Fuensanta |
324 |
Initializing 3D Model-based Tracking of Dice |
Tóth, Jan |
MP.1 |
625 |
Introduction to Speech Synthesis Management Tools |
Tralic, Dijana |
IC.2 |
5 |
JPEG Image Tampering Detection Using Blocking Artifacts |
Tuduce, Rodica |
GSP.6 |
526 |
Distances in Hominidae Family MTDNA From Nucleotide Genomic Signals |
Tufvesson, Fredrik |
IPIN.4 |
32 |
Radio and IMU Based Indoor Positioning and Tracking |
Turán, Jan |
IPS.3 |
142 |
Optical Correlator Based Traffic Signs Recognition |
Turri, William |
DIA.2 |
176 |
A High Throughput Architecture for the H.264/AVC Cavlc Encoder |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Uhl, Andreas |
IC.4 |
13 |
Recognition Impact of JPEG2000 Part 2 Wavelet Packet Subband Structures in Polar Iris Image Compression |
Ullah, Ihsan |
BIP.2 |
417 |
Gender Recognition From Face Images with Local WLD Descriptor |
V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Valcarcel Macua, Sergio |
DAC.3 |
89 |
Distributed Primary User Identification From Imprecise Location Information |
Vallepalli, Sri Srujan |
IE1.1 |
530 |
Image De-noising Using Mean Pixel Algorithms Corrupted with Photocopier Noise |
Varga, Lajos |
DSPC.8 |
130 |
Recursive Discrete FourierTransform Based SMT Receivers for Cognitive Radio Applications |
Vargas-Cañas, Rubiel |
MIA1.3 |
240 |
Retinal Vessel Segmentation in Fluorescein Angiograms Using a Commitee of Local Experts |
Varsaki, Eleni |
S2.5 |
168 |
Pascal Transform Based Self-Authentication of Color Images |
Vasek, Matus |
MP.1 |
625 |
Introduction to Speech Synthesis Management Tools |
Vasile, Adrian |
GSP.5 |
522 |
Training of Phase-Based Neurons |
Vazquez-Araujo, Francisco |
DAC.4 |
93 |
Experimental Evaluation of MIMO Coded Modulation Systems: Concatenation with OSTBC or Spatial Multiplexing |
Vehkaperä, Janne |
NP.5 |
308 |
DASH-based Approach for Delivery of Automatic Video Summaries |
Vella, Jean |
NP.3 |
300 |
Packet Losses of Multicast Over 802.11n Heterogeneous Wireless Local Area Network |
Villarigues, Marcia |
201 |
Unveiling the Hand of a 19th Century Artist with Binary Image Classification and Bag-of-Features |
Viszlay, Peter |
MP.5 |
637 |
Alternative Phonetic Class Definition in Linear Discriminant Analysis of Speech |
Vodakova, Martina |
STMIA1.6 |
504 |
Analysis of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Via Markov Random Fields in Color Fundus Images |
von Löwis, Martin |
IE1.3 |
540 |
Joint Multi-Frame Demosaicing and Super-Resolution with Artificial Neural Networks |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Wang, Qi |
EWT.1 |
252 |
Performance Evaluation of LTE Advanced Downlink Channel Estimators |
Watanabe, Toshinori |
SPT.4 |
358 |
CTFI: Adaptive Pattern Analysis of Internet Traffic Using Time Series Compressibility |
Wegner, Krzysztof |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |
SV.2 |
405 |
Vehicle Size Estimation From Stereoscopic Video |
Weiss, Stephan |
EWT.4 |
265 |
"WindFi" - A Renewable Powered Base Station for Rural Broadband |
Weng, Tsung-Hsi |
VP.5 |
392 |
Reducing the Number of Tested Modes for Inter Mode Decision in H.264/AVC and Accelerating with Multithreading |
Wichtlhuber, Matthias |
DIA.1 |
172 |
Parallel Algorithms for Histogram-based Image Registration |
Wilcox, Dave |
231 |
Single Antenna Interference Alignment for Finite Relay Networks |
Wisniewski, Marcin |
SaA1.3 |
472 |
Tonality Detection Methods for Wheezes Recognition System |
Witrisal, Klaus |
IPIN.2 |
22 |
Multipath-Assisted Single-Anchor Indoor Localization in an Office Environment |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Yang, Haojin |
IC.3 |
9 |
Text Detection in Video Images Using Adaptive Edge Detection and Stroke Width Verification |
Yaqoob, Atif |
IPIN.4 |
32 |
Radio and IMU Based Indoor Positioning and Tracking |
Yazdi, Mehran |
IE2.4 |
616 |
Image Fusion Based on Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform and Phase Congruency |
Yeh, Po-Hung |
VP.5 |
392 |
Reducing the Number of Tested Modes for Inter Mode Decision in H.264/AVC and Accelerating with Multithreading |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Zammit, Saviour |
NP.3 |
300 |
Packet Losses of Multicast Over 802.11n Heterogeneous Wireless Local Area Network |
Zazo, Santiago |
DAC.3 |
89 |
Distributed Primary User Identification From Imprecise Location Information |
Zetik, Rudolf |
IPIN.5 |
36 |
Infrastructureless Indoor Mapping Using a Mobile Antenna Array |
Zetterberg, Per |
211 |
An Experimental Investigation of SIMO, MIMO, Interference-alignment (IA) and Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) |
Zhou, Haichuan |
231 |
Single Antenna Interference Alignment for Finite Relay Networks |
Zhou, Hua |
DSPC.1 |
104 |
Girth Analysis of Polynomial-based Time-Invariant LDPC Convolutional Codes |
Zielinski, Tomasz |
SaA1.3 |
472 |
Tonality Detection Methods for Wheezes Recognition System |
Zifan, Ali |
MIA1.2 |
236 |
Lungprints: An Alternative View in Multiple-Stream Time-series Analysis of Bioimpedance Signals |
Zorilă, Tudor Cătălin |
SaA1.4 |
476 |
Maximum Voiced Frequency Estimation for Voice Conversion Used in Text-To-Speech Systems |
Zovko-Cihlar, Branka |
IVP.1 |
437 |
Computer Image Quality Selection Between JPEG, JPEG 2000 and PDE Compression |
Łuczak, Adam |
SV.1 |
401 |
New Coding Technology for 3D Video with Depth Maps as Proposed for Standardization Within MPEG |