About Conference

IWSSIP (www.iwssip.org) is an international conference on theoretical, experimental and applied signal processing. IWSSIP 2019 will be held in Osijek, Croatia and it will follow the successful events previously held in Budapest, Manchester, Poznan, Zagreb, Bratislava, Maribor, Bucharest, Prague, Chalkida, Rio de Janeiro, Sarajevo, Vienna, Dubrovnik and London.
IWSSIP brings together researchers and developers from both academia and industry to report on the latest scientific and theoretical advances to discuss and debate major issues and to demonstrate state-of-the-art systems.
The program will include keynote talks presented by eminent experts in the field and presentations of peer reviewed contributed papers. Several special sessions will be organized during the conference. Authors are encouraged to submit their papers to these special sessions.
All accepted papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore. Outstanding, extended and enhanced versions of selected papers will be published in scientific journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus.
- Register upon arrival at the conference.
- Arrive at your session 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the SESSION (not your presentation). Meet the session organizer. Become familiar with the room and with the operation of the ‘forward’ button for your PowerPoint presentation.
- Each session room will be equipped with a projector and a PowerPoint compatible computer.
- Bring one copy of your presentation to the conference on a USB media storage device. This copy will be copied to the conference computer before your session. Presenters will NOT be allowed to use their own laptop computers.
- Presentation duration should not exceed 12-15 minutes plus 3-5 minutes for questions/discussion.
- Use .pptx, .ptt, or .pdf formats (16:9). All presentations must run on the Windows operating system.
- Name your PowerPoint file with the paper ID and presenting author’s last name_first initial, (e.g., 34_Doe_J)
- Use standard fonts for all slides. This is to prevent problems with incorrect font/character substitution that occurs when presentations are prepared in fonts not available on the conference computers.
- Complicated presentations that include audio and video files, animated text, and animated figures may not display the same way on the conference computer as on your own computer.
Presentation guidelines

Important dates

Full paper
2nd Deadline Extension
March 4, 2019

Notification of Acceptance
April 2, 2019

Camera ready paper
April 15, 2019

Early registration
April 26, 2019 (NEW)

Registration deadline
May 10, 2019
Paper submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (maximum six pages including figures and references) of novel research material. Papers must be submitted electronically by February 17, 2019 using Easy Chair. Each paper will be blind reviewed by at least two independent reviewers and evaluated with special attention to its originality, significance and clarity.As in the previous years, all accepted papers will be submitted to IEEEXplore. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.
Outstanding, extended and enhanced versions of selected papers will be published in scientific journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus.
Paper format
You should use A4 paper size for your IWSSIP 2019 paper and prepare it according to the IWSSIP 2019 paper sample:Call for Papers

Paper submission and publication
There are several steps to be taken before final submission:
Step 1. Make sure that your paper adheres to the IEEE standard and follows IWSSIP 2019 template (available at https://iwssip2019.org/#callforpapers). Formatting of these templates should not be altered.
Step 2. The paper is revised taking into account suggestions made by the reviewers. If you get comments regarding the English language, please have your paper proofread by a native English speaker or seek online services to improve the language of your paper.
Step 3. The paper must not be published, submitted for publication or review elsewhere. IEEE policy regarding plagiarism and duplicate submission/publication will be strictly enforced. Furthermore, make sure that your paper is substantially different from (your) previously published work. IEEE policy requires all submissions to be screened through IEEE’s CrossCheck portal to check for similarity index.
Step 4. Add the copyright information at the bottom of the first page of your source document.
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is 978-1-7281-3227-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 Crown
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is 978-1-7281-3227-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 European Union
- For all other papers, the copyright notice is 978-1-7281-3227-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEE
- Creating your PDF eXpress account
- Login in to the IEEE PDF eXpress Plus site
- First-time users:
- Select the New Users – Click Here
- Enter the following:
- 46987XP for the Conference ID
- your email address
- a password
- Continue to enter information as prompted.
- An online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
- Previous users of PDF eXpress or IEEE PDF eXpress Plus need to follow the above steps but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
- Contacting PDF eXpress Support
Step 6. The IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) must be completed and digitally signed for your paper and submitted along with your final paper (one form per paper, not per author).
- The link to submit an electronic copyright form is https://mipa.etfos.hr/IWSSIP2019copyright.html
- If you do not submit an electronic copyright, your paper will not be published in the proceedings or IEEE Xplore. There are five steps in the electronic copyright submission process. The information for the electronic copyright should be pre-filled in but you can edit it if necessary.
- Log into the IWSSIP 2019 EasyChair submission page at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwssip2019
- Upload your IEEE PDF eXpress validated version of the camera-ready paper (PDF) (please see Step 5)
- The supplementary files:
- Upload the camera-ready version of the paper in DOC(x) or TEX format (including figures).
- The completed IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) (please see Step 6).
Topics of interest
Topics include but are not limited to the following:- Signal estimation & detection
- Feature extraction
- Filtering
- Transformations
- Coding
- Quality enhancement & evaluation
- Scene analysis
- Object localization & recognition
- Texture detection & extraction
- Medical image processing
- Image and video processing for autonomous driving
- Coding
- Enhancement
- Speech recognition
- Speaker identification & verification
- Speech synthesis
- Neural networks
- Support vector machines
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Classification theory and methodology
- Data mining
- Speech processing for HMI
- 2D and 3D Face recognition
- Gesture navigation
- Brain control interface
- Multimedia content processing & description
- Multimedia signal processing
- Multimedia communications, networking, services & applications
- Multimedia systems & services
- Multicast and broadcast for IPTV, DVB & IPTV technologies
- IMS based NGN architecture, services & protocols
- Content delivery networks
- Software defined networks
- Network function virtualization
- Watermarking & encryption
- nformation & network security
- Authentication protocols & services
- MIMO & multi-antenna communications
- Cooperative transmission & reception
- Next generation mobile networks
- Wireless sensor network systems
- Cognitive radio
- Online and virtual labs
- Effective teaching and learning
- Immersive technologies and online applications for online education
Special sessions

Biomedical Signal Processing and Analysis
Organizer: Associate Professor Irena Galić, irena.galic@ferit.hrThis special session deals with new advances in the field of biomedical signal processing. It ranges from the signal acquisition to the final analysis and focuses on new challenges in the field of biomedical signal research. The goal is to provide an overview on new advances and challenges in the field of biomedical computing and to share new methodological approaches.
The session will seek original and unpublished research papers focused on but not limited to:
- biosignal processing and interpretation;
- medical image processing and analysis;
- image reconstruction;
- multimodal sensing in medicine;
- biomedical data archiving and transmission techniques;
- safety issues for medical data.
If interested in submitting your paper for this special session, please send an e-mail to irena.galic@ferit.hr. The special session papers have to be submitted through the official online system by March 7th, 2019.
Honorary chair
General chair
General chair
Program chair
Program chair
Publication chair

Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek
International program committee
- Narcis BEHLILOVIC, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Aura CONCI, Brazil
- Jan CORNELIS, Belgium
- Žarko ČUČEJ, Slovenia
- Marek DOMAŃSKI, Poland
- Touradj EBRAHIMI, Switzerland
- Dušan GLEICH, Slovenia
- Mislav GRGIĆ, Croatia
- Sonja GRGIĆ, Croatia
- Dimitrios KARRAS, Greece
- Erich LEITGEB, Austria
- Fabiana LETA, Brazil
- Panagiatis LIATSIS, UK
- Ratislav LUKAC, Canada
- Galya MARINOVA, Bulgaria
- Marta MRAK, UK
- Ioannis PITAS, Greece
- Peter PLANINŠIČ, Slovenia
- Pavol PODHRADSKY, Slovakia
- Gregor ROZINAJ, Slovakia
- Snježana RIMAC-DRLJE, Croatia
- Markus RUPP, Austria
- Angel SANCHEZ, Spain
- Martin SLANINA, Czech Republic
- Ryszard STASIŃSKI, Poland
- Boris ŠIMÁK, Czech Republic
- Rodica TUDUCE, Romania
- Ján TURÁN, Slovakia
- Stamatis VOLIOTIS, Greece
- Krzysztof WAJDA, Poland
- Yo-Sung HO, Korea
- Theodore ZAHARIADIS, Greece
- Branka ZOVKO-CIHLAR, Croatia
International review committee
- Ivan ALEKSI, Croatia
- Zdenka BABIĆ, Bosnia and Hercegovina
- Danilo BABIN, Belgium
- Damir BLAŽEVIĆ, Croatia
- Jelena BOŽEK, Croatia
- Mario CIFREK, Croatia
- Aura CONCI, Brazil
- Jan CORNELIS, Belgium
- Damir FILKO, Croatia
- Irena GALIĆ, Croatia
- Dušan GLEICH, Slovenia
- Ratko GRBIĆ, Croatia
- Krešimir GRGIĆ, Croatia
- Sonja GRGIĆ, Croatia
- Marijan HERCEG, Croatia
- Zeljko HOCENSKI, Croatia
- Darko HULJENIĆ, Croatia
- Dariusz Jacek JAKÓBCZAK, Poland
- Josip JOB, Croatia
- Venceslav KAFEDZISKI, Macedonia
- Tomislav KESER, Croatia
- Lidija KRSTANOVIĆ, Serbia
- Erich LEITGEB, Austria
- Fabiana Rodrigues LETA, Brazil
- Panagiotis LIATSIS, UAE
- Vlatko LIPOVAC, Croatia
- Časlav LIVADA, Croatia
- Ignac LOVREK, Croatia
- Nataša MALES-ILIĆ, Serbia
- Lidija MANDIĆ, Croatia
- Galia MARINOVA, Bulgaria
- Goran MARTINOVIĆ, Croatia
- Tomislav MATIĆ, Croatia
- Tomislav MATIĆ, Croatia
- Kruno MILIČEVIĆ, Croatia
- Mario MUŠTRA Croatia
- Karlo Emmanuel NYARKO, Croatia
- Pavol PODHRADSKY, Slovakia
- Peter PLANINŠIČ, Slovenia
- Snježana RIMAC-DRLJE, Croatia
- Gregor ROZINAJ, Slovakia
- Markus RUPP, Austria
- Slavko RUPČIĆ, Croatia
- Andreja SAMČOVIĆ, Serbia
- Martin SLANINA, Czech Republic
- Ryszard STASINSKI, Poland
- Domagoj TOLIĆ, Croatia
- Jan TURAN, Slovakia
- Dijana VITAS, Croatia
- Denis VRANJEŠ, Croatia
- Mario VRANJEŠ, Croatia
- Dejan VUKOBRATOVIĆ, Serbia
- Krzysztof WAJDA Poland
- Branka ZOVKO-CIHLAR, Croatia
- Žarko ČUČEJ, Slovenia
- Drago ŽAGAR, Croatia
Local organizing committee
- Ivanka FERČEC
- Mirela GLAVAŠ
- Marija HABIJAN
- Mirta HANZER
- Tihana VAJNAND
Keynote speakers & Tutorials

Aleksandra Pižurica
Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing
Dr. Aleksandra Pižurica is Professor in statistical image modelling at Ghent University (Dipl. Ing 1994; Magister of Science 1997, PhD 2002). Her research is in the area of signal processing and machine learning, including multiresolution statistical image models, Markov Random Field models, sparse coding, representation learning, image and video reconstruction, restoration and analysis.
Prof. Pižurica serves currently as a Senior Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. She was also an Associated Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2012-2016) and the lead guest editor for the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing for the Special Issue "Advanced Statistical Tools for Enhanced Quality Digital Imaging with Realistic Capture Models" (2013). The work of her team has been awarded twice the Best Paper Award of the IEEE GRSS (Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society) Data Fusion contest, in 2013 and 2014. She received the scientific prize "de Boelpaepe" for 2013-2014, awarded by the Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium.
Art investigation - an emerging and rapidly growing cross-disciplinary field of research - relies increasingly on signal processing and machine learning. Multimodal imaging is now routinely employed in order to support the technical study of art work, its conservation, or even presentation. Analysis of multimodal data uncovers often regions or patterns of interest that would otherwise remain unnoticed and enables this way new insights and even support for certain decisions that are made during the conservation-restoration treatments. In this talk, we discuss recent advances in digital signal processing and machine learning for supporting the study and restoration of paintings. The focus will be on sparse coding, representation learning and deep learning, spatial context modelling and Bayesian inference in tasks such as crack detection, paint loss detection and virtual inpainting. Concrete examples will be shown from the ongoing conservation-restoration treatment of the Ghent Altarpiece.

Andrea M. Tonello
Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems
Dr. Andrea Tonello is professor of embedded communication systems at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria. He has been associate professor at the University of Udine, Italy, technical manager at Bell Labs-Lucent Technologies, USA, and managing director of Bell Labs Italy where he was responsible for research on cellular technology. He is also the founder of the spin-off company WiTiKee. He received the PhD from the University of Padova, Italy, and several awards among which the Lucent Bell Labs Recognition of Excellence Award, the RAENG (UK) Distinguished Visiting Fellowship, the IEEE VTS and COMSOC Distinguished Lecturer Awards, the Italian Full Professor Habilitation. He also received nine best paper awards. He serves/ed as associate editor for IET Smart Grid, IEEE ACCESS, IEEE Trans. on Communications, AEÜ Int. Journal of Electronics and Communications, and for the IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology. He was the chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on PLC, the general chair of IEEE SmartGridComm 2014 and IEEE ISPLC 2011. His current research spans the areas of wireless and power line communications, statistical signal processing, energy grids, and aerial robotics.
The introduction of renewables and the goal of increasing efficiency and reliability is revolutionizing the energy grids. Energy grids must become intelligent and be able to manage energy flows and flexibly adapt to changes in production and demand. This paradigm has fostered the creation of new business models on top of technology advances. The physical infrastructure must embed sensing, communication and processing capabilities. This talk will provide an overview of relevant applications (from metering, to diagnostics, to energy management) and discuss the role of sensing, processing and inference. It will also cover relevant communication technologies to provide connectivity and in particular new applications of power line communication that enable grid diagnostics by processing high frequency signals. In this context, we will also elaborate on the concept of learning the system model and discuss how top-down phenomenological approaches followed by machine learning paradigms can be merged with bottom-up physical domain approaches. .

Gregor Rozinaj
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
Gregor Rozinaj is a Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, currently he is a director of the Institute for Multimedia ICT, FEI STU. He published approx. 150 papers in scientific journals and international conferences. He is author of 4 patents, 3 of them worldwide. His scientific school consists of 14 successfully finished PhD students, more than 120 MSc students. He has served as principal investigator on more than 20 research projects, among them Horizon2020/FP7 projects. His research interest is oriented to multimedia processing, optimization techniques, fast algorithms, HCI. Previously he worked at the University of Stuttgart, Germany and Alcatel Research Centre in Stuttgart, Germany. (h-index: 6, Google scholar: 9).
Educational process is as old as mankind itself. Education of young generation is a complex task and every suitable tool has been used to improve the process. Nowadays, not only modern approach like student centric model, gamification, personalization, experience based learning, problem based learning, project orientation rather than knowledge acquisition has been introduced, but new technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), interactive multimedia services offer better experience-based learning, faster education and more durable knowledge. Technology solutions are deeply dependent on economic situation of schools. One of the open problems of on-line education is distant presence of students and teachers. Telereality is a new keyword and covers research area of full virtual access to distant place with 3D audio and video stream and in specific case with multisensorial experience. Many projects have been devoted to the online education. Authors have many years of experience in online education within dozens of mostly European projects. The results of these projects show that online education is an extremely complex task with multidisciplinary problems. However, the projects show promising results in the topic. Results of the new Horizon 2020 NEWTON will be discussed, too.

Milan Z. Bjelica
& RT-RK Research Institute
Prof. Dr Milan Z. Bjelica is an associate professor at the University of Novi Sad, and Head of Innovation at RT-RK Research Institute. During his career he led the implementation of numerous solutions for the industry in the fields of consumer electronics, Internet of Things, multimedia and automotive, which are utilized by several major international Tier 1 and OEM companies. Some of the latest contributions include his work on central car computer design, providing heterogeneous environments for efficient execution of automotive algorithms, as well as providing means for deep learning execution in a transparent, controllable and safe environment. Dr Bjelica authored over a hundred scientific and professional publications, out of which 11 in major journals, as well as 24 patents and numerous technical contributions. He won "Special Merit Award" for his talk at the Consumer Electronics Show - ICCE in Las Vegas, 2013. He was nominated as the best young researcher by the Faculty of technical sciences in 2014. He is an active member of IEEE, especially IEEE Consumer Electronics Society within which he was a technical program chair for IEEE ICCE conferences in Berlin, Germany (2015, 2017) and one of the founders of IEEE ZINC conferences in Novi Sad, where he also chaired the program (2016-2018). He is also a regular visiting researcher and speaker at major events, including Fraunhofer Institute (Germany) and Consumer Electronics Association (USA).
Deep Learning is a promising field, allowing increase in Artificial Intelligence applications across many fields, ranging from data science, medical, weather, aerospace and automotive. Applications of Computer Vision - based deep learning are vastly assisted by modern System on Chip architectures, which provide the required parallelism, heterogeneity and interfacing. However, application of deep learning for safety-critical contexts where human lives might be at stake, such as in self driving cars, still has many pitfalls. Ongoing academic research tackles transparent AI, in which the correctness of AI is attempted to be reached by design; however, the outcome of this research is still far fetched. In this talk we will discuss a practical approach when integrating deep learning vision-based solutions in a safety-critical context, which can be achieved today. We outline approach which introduces a software/hardware platform design which fosters diversity, with the goal to minimize risk of critical failures which are induced by AI in decision making.

Robert Cupec
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology
Robert Cupec graduated at the Faculty of Electrical Engineer-ing, University of Zagreb in 1995, where he received the M.Sc. degree in 1999. Upon graduation he joined the Department of Control and Computer Engineering in Automation, University of Zagreb, where he was employed until 2000. From 2000 to 2004 he is working at the Institute of Automatic Control Engineering, Technische Universität München, where he received the Ph.D. degree in 2005. Currently, he is employed as a Full Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technologies Osijek, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia. His main research interest is in robot vision.
The ability to perceive a scene as a set of objects and recognize objects of interest is very important for intelligents robots which are expected to operate in complex and unstructured environments. Hence, this topic is of great interest to both the computer vision and robotics research community. In this tutorial, approaches for segmenting 3D point clouds acquired by a 3D kamera into objects, recognition of precisely defined objects of interest and classification of objects into one of previously learned object classes are considered. Plenty of methods solving the considered tasks are proposed. In this tutorial, we focus on methods suitable for application on service robots in households and public institutions as well as for automated agriculture. For these applications, besides the detection of the presence of an object of interest or identification of its class, the accurate object pose with respect to the robot as well as identification of object parts is required, since this information is often needed for planning a robot manipulation operation.
Each conference attendee must be registered separately. A registration is valid only with completed payment (on the date of payment).
Information for authors:
Each accepted paper must be accompanied by a full (non-student) registration. Each full registration covers maximum 2 papers, provided that the second paper will be paid 200 EUR extra. Please give the title and ID of the paper(s) in the registration form. Failure to register before the deadline will result in a withdrawal of the paper from the conference program and the proceedings. Any paper included in the conference program, but not presented at the conference according to the published schedule will not appear in the official proceedings.
Early registration deadline: April 26th, 2019.
IEEE Membership:
You must be an IEEE/EURASIP Member at the time of registration to receive the IEEE/EURASIP member discount.
before 26 April
- one paper registration
- conference package
- admission to all sessions, lunches, coffee breaks, Gala Dinner and social event
- proceedings
- after 26 April: 500 EUR

before 26 April
- one paper registration
- conference package
- admission to all sessions, lunches, coffee breaks, Gala Dinner and social event
- proceedings
- after 26 April: 550 EUR

before 26 April
- -
- conference package
- admission to all sessions, lunches, coffee breaks, Gala Dinner and social event
- proceedings
- after 26 April: 270EUR
No-show policy
No-show papers are defined as papers submitted by authors who subsequently did not present the paper in person (no videos, no remote cast) at the conference. No-show papers that were not withdrawn and were published in the Proceedings must be identified as “No-Show” in the files submitted to IEEE for further publication (IEEE Xplore). No-shows will not be available on IEEE Xplore or other public access IEEE forums. IEEE will maintain an archive of no-shows. No refund of the paid fees can be claimed by the no-show author.Payment data
Beneficiary Name:
SVEUČILIŠTE JOSIPA JURJA STROSSMAYERA U OSIJEKU Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija OsijekBeneficiary Address:
Kneza Trpimira 2B,31000 Osijek, CroatiaBanking costs:
Kindly instruct your bank that all charges are at your expenses (please, use OUR code in SWIFT instruction).Reference:
IWSSIP 2019 – Participant(s) name(s)IBAN:
HR6025000091101372870IBIC (SWIFT):
ADDIKO BANK D.D.Bank Address:
- As the title of payment put "IWSSIP2019 and participant(s) name(s)"on the transfer order.
- All bank transfer costs must be covered by a conference attendee. Please choose option “our” while transferring the money.
- Please calculate carefully all additional costs before you pay:
- additional paper (+200 EUR)
- accompanying person (+100 EUR)
- The fees do not include accommodation
Technical co-sponsors
Sponsors and donors
Media partners
Venue & travel
IWSSIP 2019 will be held in Osijek, a city of rich history and the highest number of parks and green areas in Croatia.Being the fourth biggest city in Croatia with a population of about 100,000, Osijek is a cultural, economic and scientific centre of Slavonia and Baranja region. It is located only 20 km from the confluence of the Drava and Danube Rivers, in the middle of its 2,850 km long course from German Schwarzwald to the Black Sea. In this part of the European Danube region, Croatian and old Austro-Hungarian heritage meet, which is evident in the architecture and rich traditions and gastronomy.
Osijek is an interesting tourist destination known for its Baroque style, open spaces, beautiful parks (the city has 17 parks) and ample recreational opportunities. The most important sights in the city include the main square (Trg Ante Starčevića), Tvrđa (the 18th century Baroque citadel), the promenade along Drava and the suspension pedestrian bridge toward Baranja. Next to the main square, there is a co-cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (completed in 1898) - a neo-Gothic structure with the second highest tower in Croatia after the Zagreb Cathedral. The tower measures 90 m (295.28 ft) and can be seen from throughout Osijek.
Tvrđa is a fortified part of the city with the most valuable examples of Baroque architecture in Croatia, such as the statue of Holy Trinity and General’s-headquarters, which can be found on 200 kuna bills. The Museum of Slavonia, one of the oldest museums in Croatia and the largest complex museum in the country, is located on the main square of Tvrđa. The two baroque buildings that house the museum are also venues for many concerts and art exhibitions. Apart from its historical part, Tvrđa is a place for entertainment and night life. Most cafés, pubs and night clubs are located in the old town of Tvrđa. Tvrđa offers a wide choice of different music styles and content so everybody can find something they like.
Slavonia and Baranja
Slavonia and Baranja is a historical region in eastern Croatia. It is surrounded by three rivers; the Sava River (the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina), the Drava River (the border with Hungary) and the Danube (the border with Serbia), forming an area of exceptional beauty with forests, meadows and hills. Thanks to the fertile land, this is a granary of Croatia, while a good climate and tradition of vineyards make this area a home of top quality wines. In Slavonia, there are numerous castles and villas that once belonged to rich families, but now they add a special charm to this part of Croatia.Baranja stretches between the Drava River in the north and the Danube in the east. At the point where the Danube and the Drava River meet, nature has created a remarkable phenomenon – Kopački Rit Nature Park, which is rich in flora and fauna. In 1967, Kopački Rit and its immediate area were declared a nature park and a zoological reserve, respectively.
Hotel Osijek
IWSSIP 2019 conference will take place in Hotel Osijek, a four-star hotel situated next to a quiet river port and promenade, the inevitable motives of the city’s postcards. Its interior is airy, modern and elegant, and more importantly, it exudes warmth and kindness of the people who are working to make its guests’ experience so seamlessly perfect.Hotel Osijek offers a disccount for IWSSIP 2019 participants. Please fill in the application form (LINK) and send it to info@hotelosijek.hr