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About IWSSIP and EC-SIPMCS Conferences

14th International Conference on systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP 2007


6th EURASIP Conference Focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services EC-SIPMCS 2007

27. – 30. June 2007
Maribor, Slovenia


The IWSSIP Conference is an International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. It is focused on the theoretical, experimental and applied signal and image processing techniques and systems.
IWSSIP 2007 follows the successful events previously held in Budapest, Manchester, PoznaƄ, Zagreb, Bratislava, Maribor, Bucharest, Prague, Chalkida and Budapest.
The aim of the IWSSIP Conference is to bring together researchers and developers from both academia and industry to report on the latest scientific and theoretical advances, to discuss and debate major issues and to demonstrate state-of-the-art systems.

The EURASIP Conference is initiated by the European Association for Speech, Signal and Image Processing (EURASIP) in order to start a new tradition of conferences, each devoted to a specific area of discipline. It is focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services (EC-SIPMCS).
The EC-SIPMCS 2007 is the sixth biennial conference promoted by EURASIP. The first conference was organized in Prague, Czech Republic (1997), second in Krakow, Poland (1999), third in Budapest, Hungary (2001), fourth in Zagreb, Croatia (2003) and fifth in Smolenice (2005), Slovak republic.
The aim of the EC–SIPMCS is to promote the interface researchers involved in the development and applications of methods and techniques within the framework of speech/image processing, multimedia communications and services.

IWSSIP 2007 Conference, joined with EC-SIPMCS 2007 Conference, is organised by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Maribor in cooperation with IEEE, IEEE Region 8, IEE, IEEE Slovenian Section and EURASIP.

The scientific program includes keynote and invited lecture by eminent international experts and contributed papers. Papers accepted by two independent reviewers will be published in Conference Proceedings available at the Conference and abstracted in the INSPEC database.


IWSSIP 2007 and EC-SIPMCS 2007 are organized by:



July, 2007
Pictures from the conference are available: conference pictures

June, 2007
Maps are added. Look at the conference program to see the map of faculty and accomodation to see maps of hotels and bus and train stations.

June, 2007
Detailed conference program.

May, 2007
Ryanair offers flights from London to Maribor. More on travel info page.

April, 2007
Instructions how to prepare camera ready paper are on page Paper Submission.


Upcoming conferences in Maribor: CBMS 2007